"But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for a high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night and day difference He has made for you-from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted." 1 Peter 2:9-10

Thursday, March 3, 2011

He loves you!!/ You are His.

I know we have all heard that Jesus loves us, but do we really believe that? I know that I didn't until October of last year. Yes, I had heard that Jesus loves me...but honestly I never really thought that much about it. Until one night I was on my moms iPod looking at artist when I came upon John Mark McMillan. And then a song came on How He Loves.(Best song ever) And while I was listening to that song I literally began to weep. The Lord spoke to me, He said "Salem, you are my daughter and I love you!You are mine and you are forgiven." And then after that I just started crying even more. There are like I don't know 6 billion people on this planet and He loves you. And no matter if your a serial killer He loves you. No matter how many mistakes you make, we all make mistakes, but God will still love you. He will always love you. He knows how many hairs are your head...thats a lot.
      I'm gonna write something on a different subject now. And its gonna be all over the place, so bare with me. So a couple nights ago at youth, we talked about fitting in. When you don't know where you belong or you think you don't fit in, thats a good thing. God looks at you and says thats my son, thats my daughter and I am so proud him/her. 



  1. Salem, your gunna make me cry!!!! I don't know what I'm gunna do next year without you and Chandler! I trust that God has opened up this opportunity for a reason even though I would prefer to stay in my comfort zone He is calling me to step out and take a risk. :)


  2. Haha awww please dont. haha Love you. Chandler and I will always be here for you. Yes, God is calling you to change lives at public school... When you are saying this is radical He is saying this is normal... :)
    Love you,

  3. Oh my gosh SAlem I just put the same song on my blog yesterday. Love u and what you have written!! Blessings and Love, Anna J.

  4. Haha. Well you know what they say two great minds think alike. Haha :)
    Love you!!
