Ok so that didnt work soo well. Here it is again. (:
You are a generation called to awakening, revival and reformation. You are a reforming generation. You are a hinge generation. History will swing...turn because of you. You are a transition generation. You'll move America and the earth from the old into the new. You are change agents. No evil is safe. Status quo is not safe when you are around. You wonder why you are so strange...so different. When others want to party, you want to pray. When they're laughing, you're weeping...when they dance, you mourn. You will never be satisfied in the box marked normal. You will never fit in the typical, societal niche because you are a reformer. There is something in your dna that cannot accept status quo, business as usual, things as they are. Deep in your heart, you know you are called to change things...to rock the boat. You will never leave well enough alone. You want to be a difference maker. You are not the internet generation. You are the intercessory generation. You are pioneers, forerunners, pathfinders, trailblazers. You love God but are turned off by religion. You crave His presence but loathe the average church service. You are passionate about Him. You have God-cravings. When you taste Him, it only makes you hungry for more. You don't just sing, you worship. Heaven loves it. Demons hate it. You don't just pray, you cry out. You offend the religious but you move God. You live in His presence. You walk with God. In Him you live and move and have your very being. You refuse to let the world around you shape and define you. You can't be bought...money will be your servant, not your master. Careers will serve you but not define you. You don't live for wealth, fame or pleasure. You would never lower your goal to simply being rich or famous. You're a world changer. You live for the eternal, not the temporal. You're a giver, not a taker. You won't compromise. You hate sin. You are dead to it and it is dead to you. When you dream, it is about the impossible. You will raise the dead. You will heal the sick. You will set free the oppressed...lead them to peace and wholeness. You will heal the broken-hearted. You will bring good news to the poor and when you see pain, you know you're called to heal it. Christ's mission statement is your mission statement. You deliver the bound, set the captive free. You will laugh at demons and then cast them out. Your very presence terrifies them...you fear nothing...no evil, because you know He is with you.When you face adversity, you don't fear because you measure it against your God. You know that you always triumph in Him. You know that greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world. You know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You know that you are more than a conqueror through Him who loves you. You know that nothing can separate you from His love. You are dangerous because your life is not your own. Losing your life doesn't scare you, wasting it does. Bullets or martyrdom don't scare you. Mediocrity scares you. Like David, you run to kill giants. You grab lions by the beard and break the necks of bears. You crave His presence...worship with abandonment...run through troops and leap over walls. You are worshiping warriors...a generation after God's heart. Like Abraham, you're God's friend. You are covenant keepers. Like Joshua, you're a leader, and you and your house will serve the Lord. Like Caleb, you are warriors. Like Daniel, you walk in wisdom and revelation. You pray! You refuse to compromise! You are greater...10 times greater than the world! Like Joseph, you're dreamers. You're pure. You're royalty. You save nations. Like Esther, you were born for such a time as this. Like Paul, you count not your life dear to yourself, for you to live is Christ and to die is gain. You want to know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. You're going to run a good race, fight a good fight, press toward the mark, and apprehend that which you've been apprehended for. Like John the Beloved, you're lovers of God. Like Mary, you are the alabaster box generation. Like Lincoln and Wilberforce, you're going to deal with injustice. You are going to take out abortion. You're going to end sex trade. You're going to confront racism. Like Elijah, you're going to cast down Jezebel. you're going to break the back of idolatry in this nation. You're going to deliver from homosexuality. You're a royal priesthood...a holy nation. You're an awakening generation. You are alive. You have been awakened to destiny. You are the generation that He's been looking for. You are called! You are a voice! You carry a sound that cannot be silenced! You are an army and you are now commissioned! You are free to be everything He's destined you to be...a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. You will never turn back. You are forever ruined. You will always burn. You will fight and you will win! You are a generation that will awaken the earth!"